Re-Entry Checklist

Re-Entry Checklist

This checklist for re-entry into a cultural institution is offered as a helpful tool following a long-term closure.

This checklist for re-entry into a cultural institution is offered as a helpful tool following a long-term closure. The checklist is a template that can be customized and adapted based onthe capacity of staff and resources available to each individual institution.It is recommended that each institution work as team and approach the re-entry following the same steps as provided in this checklist. Those steps are:


  1. Activation
  2. Assessment and Situation Analysis
  3. Site Stabilization
  4. Re-opening
  5. Ongoing Assessment and Situation Analysis


These steps are found repeated throughout the three provided scenarios, which account for multiple orders of re-entry following a long-term closure. It is impossible to plan for all scenarios that might affect the re-opening of cultural institutions, but these checklists can and should be adapted. It is suggested that a committee or task force be formed to oversee the completion of the checklist to ensure the institution is safe and ready to open for both staff and visitors.

This checklist was collaboratively developed by: Curae Collections Care, LLC and the Pandemic Operating Team, Newfields

Download the Re-Entry Checklist
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